
Just as The Sun was Rising


In a world that leaves me feeling deflated and disappointed

I refuse to believe that this is my lot in life


sometimes I close my eyes

imagining my very own imagery


I can see the sunflowers smiling in the meadows

streaming with light

in that one crucial moment

when the sun finally beams onto their sleeping faces 

waking them with a start every time


and the magnificent orchestra of birds singing their daily opera

reminding me i\'m alive 


and the very moment

the sun beams

reach the terracotta roof of the villa perched on the hill

almost as if it was protected by a warm glow  


clouds moving fiercely

to the side 

leaving fresh air to breathe

lavender perfuming the sky for all to savor     


in a world that leaves me feeling

deflated and disappointed

I refuse to believe that this is my lot in life


I close my eyes and I imagine


I see, once again 

the great deer, visit me in my back yard 


just as he used too, many moons ago


Just as the sun was rising.