
In The Dark

I wake

With little surprise at the rope

slithering over my wrists

and the chains 

laced around my ankles


I look around


by the emptiness

of this space

by the lack of light

that should otherwise be flooding

this vast,

hollow void.


I shout 

for help

for mercy

for peace


My pleas 

stream from my mouth 

and echo around my head

ricocheting off the edges

of what seems 

to be the world


to fill the deepest depths 

of the darkest places


I listen


to the faded ringing

of impending silence

and the rise of cruel laughter

and yelps of glee

at my despair 

at my sorrow

at my weakness

at my anger

and my hunger

for freedom


I am deafened

by my cold



by my racing thoughts

and the apathetic symphony

that floats through the air


Filled with frustration

bent by rage

beat down and broken


I choke back tears 

and bite my tongue

I shut my eyes, 

shutting off the world before me

And I wait


to feel a trickle of hope

a few drops of courage



and disappointed

by the numbness 

that filled my soul


I wondered

Am I going to be like this forever?

or is this the point where silence 

will amount 

to light 

to strength 

and to happiness?