Tune: Epiphany
(\'Brightest and best of the sons of the morning\')
Matthew 2 v.7-12
Herod, the wise men he sent to Bethlehem
Go search for young child was mission for them
To seek diligently, when they had Him found
Report back to Herod, and tidings sound
When wise men had heard the king they departed
Followed star in the east which had them led
To the young child, when they saw star they rejoiced
With exceeding great joy, and praises voiced
When they were come into the house, then they saw
Mary, Joseph*, and young child Jesus pure
They fell down and worshipped, treasures presented
Precious gifts, gold, myrrh, and incense scented
And they being warned of God, was through a dream
That all things did not appear as did seem
For they should not journey back unto Herod
But go other way, as God to them said
The first verse is traditionally repeated at the end.
Changed to a repeat of verse 3 here.
When they were come into the house, then they saw
Mary, Joseph*, and young child Jesus pure
They fell down and worshipped, treasures presented
Precious gifts, gold, myrrh, and incense scented
* Maybe scripturally inaccurate, as it does not say Joseph
was there too.