Gaurav Gurung


Do I fear Death? Ever so fierce, Ever so terrifying!

The maleficent amber engulfs and spares none,

Do I fear Death? Ever so sudden, Ever so inevitable!

The resting pyre and the calm silence, elevation of soul!


Do I fear Death? Ever so cursed, Ever so paralyzing!

The retreating earth engulfs and spares none,

Do I fear Death? Ever so hated, Ever so uneditable!

The Soft yet harsh coffin and the gloomy overflow, departure of our core!


Will I meet the reaper? Sooner or later,

Will I meet my maker? I wonder!

Will I meet my essence? I ponder!

Will I reincarnate? I doubt!

Will I reemerge? I sought!

Will I go blank? What was my life about?


An accident or perhaps a fight!

May end my life, my lifeless body calling off for help,

A burglary or perhaps an arm fight!

May end my life, my soul wanting to live more,

A hero or perhaps a douche, I wonder

I would die as!

A human or as a monster, I wonder

I would stand by!


I fear Death, It’s cold soggy palms

Reaching towards my soul,

I fear Death, It’s Horrid stature

Reaching towards my core,

I fear Death, It’s demonic status

Reaching towards my door,

I fear Death, It’s Sinister Odor

Reaching towards me while it roars,


Will I reach Heaven? Am I worthy enough?

Will I meet my maker?  Or was it all a bluff?

Will I reach Hell? The Chamber of Eternity?

Will I disintegrate into the fire? Sinners like me in Diversity!


DEATH is beautiful,

DEATH is horrid,

DEATH is scenic,