
\"The Garland of Time\'s Treasure\"

A moment of millions ,

That sparks our heart\'s lifetime.

The joy of tickles and the ache of teeth ,

Where our stomach was filled with tickles of joy and millions of butterflies moments.


A moment of millions,

Where the rooms are  lit up as a child ,

With  a  mile of smile ,

As it lit up the flame in the life of our  love once,

Where is that innocent lost between this gambling world ? 


A moment of millions ,

When we get excited when we see the stars and admire the skies go crimson ,

Yet , there are millions of stars to admire ,

Why do we get stuck and lose sight of waves ,

And forget the beauty of every sound of giggles that our heart was once a part of .


A moment of millions ,

When we run without fear and jump over the clip ,

Just to be in the middle of the clouds ,

And stack our souls to cloud nine .

Why now have become soo filled with fear of thoughts of other views ,

That we forgot to enjoy the golden hour ? 


Every million of moments,

Are the pearls of yesterday,

Which is stacked and creates a beautiful magical  garland crown of treasures stored in each shimmering millions of  moments of time.