Mystery\'s Creation

The Piano Player

An Angel plays the piano

Leaving all of Heaven aghast

An instrumental homage

To all of those who have passed

Each of the 88 keys

That She tickles with such precision

A Maestro giving a masterclass 

As a surgeon with a incision

The pouring rain gently weeps

At thoughts of solitude

Giving hope to those who\'ve none

Just like the Apostle Jude

The populace inhabiting Heaven

Is not like that of below

No sickness or shortage of wisdom

No matter where one may go

The true meaning of a utopia

As perfect as perfect can be

Where those who were deaf can hear

And those who were blind can see

Where family members who have passed 

Can see Their loved ones again

For in Heaven there are no enemies

Just an ongoing circle of friends

Where I\'ll get to see My Mom

Playing piano one day

Her face The one of Her youth

With a smile only She can convey

Her skin smooth and void of wrinkles

And the first thing she\'ll say to Me

Is that I\'ve been waiting all these years

To extend my apologies 

For leaving You and Your Sister

On that October day in \'19

Leaving My royal family

Without who\'d become its queen

And whether forgiven or not

I\'ll keep playing the piano for You

For after all these years

It\'s the least that I can do

For while I\'ve been waiting for You

I\'ve been composing a song

That will let You know I\'m not only an Angel

I\'m also,forever,Your Mom

So,Mom,do not apologize

Let me do so instead

For all the bad things that I did

Not to mention what was said

And Just let me thank You 

For everything You\'ve done

For You\'ll always be my Goddess

And I your sole begotten son