
# Poem for Palestine

In the heart of the storm, oh, Palestine, stay calm, For Allah, the Most Merciful, is your soothing balm. Endure the pain, the suffering, the sacrifice, For victory is near, wrapped in Allah\'s embrace.

Allah stands with you, a fortress so divine, His love surrounds you, like the radiant sunshine. Fear not the IDF, for a nation unyielding, Defies defeat, with a spirit never kneeling.

To Netanyahu, know this truth profound, You can\'t shatter a nation with Allah around. No destruction, no defeat, shall befall, A nation supported by the Almighty\'s call.

This is not the end, but the dawn of your story, In the face of adversity, oh, Palestine, stand in glory. We, the good-hearted, stand by your side, In love and solidarity, together we bide.

Never surrender to the winds of despair, For victory is written in the cosmic air. Oh, Palestine, resilient and free, The beginning of triumph, for eternity.