

I had a dog, Darth was his name

best junkyard dog ya ever done seen

He wore a mask but he had no shame

and though he looked it, he wasn\'t mean


He chewed the frame off my door,

jumped my six foot fence

With one eye open, he\'d snore

and made my neighbors tense


He\'d never scare a child,

but adults weren\'t on that list

Running at them like a missile gone wild

he acted like he was pissed


His hackles raised, his lips curled

He\'d bare his teeth and growl

Get\'n down low, around them he\'d swirl,

locking eyes, as he did prowl


Then a sudden lunge, going for the throat

mouth open, saliva flying through space

Ten feet or more he did float

before licking \'em on the face


Miss that dog