
Now Americas

Green, I am keen on green,

it seams to seamlessly be.

Now yellow has a magical spine of it\'s own,

way close to alone.

Blue takes up the spot, another loner,

just pass the mid-band line, homered,

hits it out of the park where larks appear

as darts against this backdrop.

Back to the scene where we\'ve mixed all the metaphors,

slapping home plate, white, with yellow and then blue,

you do see green, Atlas, the holder of worlds,

sees green if he\'d roll his eyes up and see the jungle

and the bush, look if it wasn\'t for four centuries or more ago

that black people were stolen and enslaved

and shipped to North and South Americas

we would all be less of a people now,

my eyes have seen that the Coming of the Lord

is not going to be dull,

our culture is and will be so much more full,

and inclusive,

to start.