
A Testament To Love

A boy who faced more than any child should,

A life fraught with pain, fear, and misunderstood.

At just a year old, an overdose so near,

A mother lost, drowning in her own despair.


At two, he watched through glass, his mother in jail,

His cries and screams, oh how they did wail.

Biting his nails, a habit formed from the fear,

Of a world so uncertain, so unclear.


Then at three, a brick to his mother\'s head,

In an ambulance, he rode, filled with dread.

The scars of trauma, etched deep in his soul,

A childhood marred by events beyond control.


At four, a car wreck, a result of DUI,

A life in chaos, no one to rely.

At five, his grandmother, a guiding light,

Raised him with love, through the darkest of night.


At six, custody lost, a mother in prison,

A life derailed, no rhyme or reason.

But today at twelve, a new chapter begins,

In a Christian school, he finds his wings.


He\'s on the honor roll, a shining star,

A life rebuilt from a past so marred.

Prayed with every night, loved every day,

A mother redeemed, finding her way.


Celebrating each milestone, each sober year,

A bond so strong, through pain and tears.

He\'s kind and compassionate, with a heart of gold,

A testament to resilience, a story to be told.


A mother\'s love, a son\'s unfaltering grace,

A journey of healing, in this sacred space.

From brokenness to wholeness, they stand tall,

A testament to love, triumphing over it all. (\"A Testament To Love\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.