Accidental Poet

A Path of Least Resistance


Seems the day has come

We heard talk of years ago

That if we didn’t change our ways

Like the dinosaur we would go


Countries that don’t want peace

World hatred is their goal

Pain and suffering

For each and every soul


They don’t discriminate

Don’t care who you are

Because in their eyes

We’re all the evil star


One wants to annihilate the another

Threatening with nuclear death

Forsaking all the world

Who cares about the rest


It’s the same old story

Come down from ages past

Egotistic minds nothing better to do

Push the button, make today our last


If this was the plan

Then what’s the point of all of us?

There’s a better way for everyone

Why all the fuss?


 We need to think as one planet

With world love and peace

A unified species to exist

For all wars to cease


For Earth to be a peaceful world

Giving helping hands an insistence

A new path of empathy

  A path of least resistance


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024