
The Four Horsemen

Religion, commercialism, consumerism and feudalism

Capitalist quartet, Santa god supermarket profiteering cataclysm

Here boy, drink drug and enjoy the euphoric numbness of the way of the world

Blessed be the average; compliant souls are saved with banners, marching on, unfurled

Determined to display that instinctive awe of gentlemen and lacy coats

Of coronets and signet rings, of landed folk with stolen castles and

Latin quotes

Of hell-tellers who threat and scare into a restraining principle belief

Of hard-sellers riding high on crazed ghost horses, funeral drum the leitmotif

Scale the parapets on the whistle to maintain the status quo

Millions upon millions unaware, uncaring why they’re being told to go

The beneficent lordly gentleman knows why, demanding acquiescence

The cloth man too, preying on the souls with low esteem and little common sense

They ride alongside the grower, the expander, the plunderer of running out resources

And the supplier of the demanders, responders to magnetic market forces

Four death knell sounders charging on with baying hoards behind them

Screaming “go, we’re with you” to the base corrupters that designed them