
Exchanging Gifts

Exchanging Gifts 

She dances with the darkness around her

Bare feet on the cold ground

Her body covered  in her own self inflicted scars

She has a soft smile on her pale lips, as she\'s embraced  again by the darkness 

Her body is like a dew drop in the morning sun, glistening and beautiful 

Soon evaporating  into nothing

Becoming one with the air around her

When night comes back it kisses her body

Allowing her to exist again 

It is then and only rhen with the rearrangement  of her molecules 

If she allowed to wear the heart on her sleeves

She walks among the blades of grass

Taking in all the damage that the sun has burned in it wake

It breaks her heart  to see the sun bleached and dead beauties the sun left behind

So she extends her hands of healing kindness  and begin to revive and heal the damage  left behind by the imperfect sun

As she does so she exchanges pieces of her self and in return all is healed around her and she absorbs the damage that was inflicted  upon them

It\'s only when the rain comes is she allowed to wash away the damage 

The only problem  with this is...

Here, right here...

It rarely rains.
