Santajah Douglass

The Fight With The One Who Gave You Life

In the heat of the battle, the words we speak
Can cut deep and leave scars that never heal
But in the midst of the fight, we must seek
To find the strength to rise above the steel


Our mothers, the ones who gave us life
Can be the ones who bring us strife
But in their anger, we must see the strife
And learn to rise above the knife

For in the cruel world we live in, love
Is a rare gift that we must learn to prove
To keep our hearts open, we must be strong
And fight for what is right, all day long


So let us embrace the fight with our mothers
And use it as a chance to grow and discover
The strength within ourselves, to live our lives with love and courage, we\'ll find our way so I take on this challenge and even if it hurts I hold the sword ready to fight and  defend for what I know I\'m worth