
Houdini\'s Grave

Houdini, the master of illusion and escape,

A man whose stunts were death-defying and great,

But one fateful day, in the spring of \'19,

He nearly met his end in a buried alive scene.


Handcuffed and buried beneath six feet of earth,

The weight of the soil was more than his worth,

His cries for help went unnoticed, unheard,

As he struggled and fought, every breath a precious word.


The darkness pressed in, his lungs ached for air,

But Houdini, the showman, refused to despair,

With every ounce of strength, he clawed and he dug,

Breaking through the soil, escaping death\'s deadly hug.


The narrowest squeak of his life, he would later claim,

A moment of terror, of fear and of shame,

But Houdini, the great escapologist, emerged from the dirt,

A living testament to his skill and his worth.


His death-defying stunts may have veered off course,

But Houdini\'s spirit was unbreakable, of unyielding force,

For he was a man who defied death time and again,

And in the end, it was his legacy that continued to reign. (\"Houdini\'s Grave\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.