Siva Pranav

The Anonymous

Shadows that existed under the scorching sun,

Sufferings above which we presumed to live,

Silent trials that we knew since ages,

Has got a story of an underdog in store for us,

A wanderer with a phantom profile and usual fake smile,

Stuck for ages in a hellhole,

For unwitting crimes and unmindful betrayals,

Darkness that turned his future bleak,

Invisible light within that didn’t let him quit,

Stubborn gut within that wanted to live and desperate to win,

Broken yet found it hard to quit and impossible to die,

Story never ends, peace is just one in a million possibility,

Dark fate that strengthened this lone wolf,

Gave birth to a ghost which is free of bondage,

A Rabbit hole that deepened like a never-ending tunnel,

Thirst for love that rejuvenated even the dead,

Diamond that was buried forever under the veil of ignorant mob,

Made a man whom the world thought is done for,

Rose like a phoenix from the ashes,

A shadow which had no one to come back home for,

A guy like you have never seen before,

A prisoner once jailed, broke and is now back to settle scores,

A seeker with ethics of the east and etiquette of the west,

A soldier who is ruthless yet compassionate,

A monster who is merciless yet kind,

A killer who is balanced yet more dangerous,

An alpha that chose to remain covert,

The anonymous as the creator programmed it.