Nicholas Browning

Since When


Abandoned nests line withered trunks

Covered harshly, by the snow,

Obstructing a view that might have been present

A very long time ago.


Unnatural sources, lights abound

Within vestige, sunken hills,

Depressed over time, reduced, confined

To the border of glass I see them through.


Since when did I count minutes

Among the passing of lights and life?

Since when did the color green hold power

Over joy, and what I write?


How long it must have been

That I have forgotten words

Used to describe it,

Or that they would remember me


Being a fragile faith;

Since when did I stop caring

If it meant much to either,

Or if they made it safely home?


I\'ll miss you, as thread does the loom,

Anxious to be spun,

Keeping watch over the treeline

I know you won\'t peer through again.