Santajah Douglass

The Tale of the Legendary Santajah

Oh have you heard the legend of Santajah, the dreamer, the lover, the fighter,
With brown eyes and black hair, a true survivor and empowerer.
Her heart beats with passion, her soul ablaze,
A warrior of hope, with a spirit that amazes.

Her dreams are her fuel, her drive, her fire,
A never-ending quest for a brighter desire.
She chases her visions, with courage and might,
A shining beacon, in the darkest of nights.

Her love is her strength, her shield, her guide,
A gentle touch, that heals and abides.
She gives and receives, with an open heart,
A love that\'s pure, and never departs.

She fights for what\'s right, with a warrior\'s cry,
A voice that echoes, through the sky.
Her spirit unbroken, her will untamed,
A true embodiment, of empowerment gained.

Through every challenge, she stands tall and strong,
A core survivor, with a story to be sung.
Her brown eyes shining bright, her black hair flowing long,
A true queen, with a heart that\'s forever young.