
A Better Tommorow

What people  these days don\'t realize

Is thar we don\'t have to be what society  says we are

We can be more

We have a choice 

When you come from trauma 

It\'s hard not to see the things that are missing 

It\'s hard not to be broken and feel it

I mean really feel it with every breath you take

But I promise you

You are not broken

You are you

Through and through 

Imagine where  your mental maturity would be at had you not had to survive

Had to endure

It would be a very different  person that would be looking  at right?

Look at how much you over came

Look how far you came

Look at the strength you now possess 

This pass is over

The present is here 

And there is promise for a better tomorrow 

Society doesn\'t get to choose what kind of live you do

So shrug off the dark cloud, even if it\'s just a moment 

And so live it

A life well lived are built in the small moment in time 

You are a beautiful  human

With purpose,  value, and potential 

Don\'t ever let anyone take that from you
