Soman Ragavan

India\'s southern sea fronts : the way forward ; 12 Jan 2024



1st section

All that India has spent on the Maldives

Since 1965 hath been a waste.

The ingredients, the signs were always there :

It was a mistake to have expect’d otherwise.



Massive amounts have been wast’d,

Squander’d, pointlessly dish’d out.

The Chinese have better sense :

They have got their acts correctly :

They be clear-mind’d.


They do spend a lot on foreign countries,

But, they do know a lost cause

When they see one…


Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Be moving in.

‘Tis not a coincidence :

‘Twas to be expect’d :

Just as the response

From the Maldives to these moves…



In the archipelago,

Just on one bridge connecting three islands,

India spent more than 41 billion rupees :

An utter waste, whichever way one looks at it…

Many more billions wast’d mindlessly

On other projects.



Will there be a change ?...

Will commonsense prevail at last ?...

How many more billions need to be lost

Before one accepts the inevitable ?...




The Chinese are smarter,

They see farther ahead,

They keep both feet on the ground,

They don’t fight lost causes,

They have got their strategies right.


They build artificial islands,

They turn reefs into islands,

They understand force projection,

They lay down the groundwork

For military and strategic successes

In future maritime confrontations…




India should learn from these down-to-earth

Strategies, tactics and postures.

Anything she spends on the Maldives

Be an utter waste.


India should think out of the box,

Should go for innovative moves,

Should pre-empt moves of adversaries.


An Indian island should be identified

For force projection

And military installations

For decisive responses in future conflicts

Across the southern seas.


The whole island population

Needs to be relocat’d to another island,

With resettlement in a new, free housing estate.


The vacat’d island needs to be turn’d

Into a military bastion,

Augment’d physically, Chinese-style,

With jetties and piers set up.

There should be facilities

For ship and submarine resupplies,

Radar installations,

Communications infrastructure,

Communications intercept stations,

Logistics for space assets,

Missile batteries :

Hardware for forward military responses.




Let the Maldives go the way they wish :

They are history :

It’s a question of time

Before they be submerg’d :

All that is spent there will be lost…


For India, pragmatism should rule;

India should move fast right now

And finally get her acts together,

As requir’d by commonsense…

16th and last

Let other actors move into the void :

India will have the means to respond

Rapidly, decisively…

Indian money and resources

Need to be better spent :

Indian military strategies

On the southern fronts

Need to be ground’d

In commonsense… 


Soman Ragavan

Mauritius (Indian Ocean)

12 January, 2024
