Accidental Poet

My Little Rhyming Book


I must confess

When in my writing den

More times than not

I rely on my little friend


My Muse and I

Hard at work

Searching for rhymes

Then finally, to my last resort


My little rhyming book

Comes out to save the day

I start flipping the pages

And there, a rhyme to say


You either use it or don’t

Rhyming is not for everyone

But if your Muse calls for it

It will be done


It’s served me well

When my brain in a fog

Trying to think of a rhyme

My mind like the city smog


Is it cheating?

Well, I don’t know

Define cheating

Maybe ask Edgar Allen Poe


Oh well, no loss

Don’t think the poem will care

Let’s see where it lands

If I toss it up in the air


Well, that isn’t so bad

For the extra minute it took

Easily worth the effort

My little rhyming book


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024