



“Wow, don’t you look handsome in your uniform,”

 said the father to his son. “Come here you”

They embraced and he said, “I’m proud of you Son.”

but the son was peering over his dad’s shoulder

and watching as his mom left the room, crying.


She went into the bedroom and closed the door

“Just a minute, Dad. I’ve got to talk to Mom.”

He was at the door, knocking as he entered.

“Mom, don’t cry, I have to do this. You know that.”

”Of course I do, but I don’t have to like it.”


She was sobbing as she spoke. “I love you Son”

“I love you too Mom,” he replied as they embraced.

“Mom, I hope you understand…” as she began

“ Of course I do, but I don’t like it.”

“ Go on. Get out.” she said in a broken voice.


This scene is replayed every day. . .somewhere.

It is the price we pay for our obsession.

We are led to believe that War will bring Peace.

Well, it hasn’t, nor will it. Not now, not ever.

War has raged for Millennia. To no avail.


War is an act of insane hatred.

Yet we justify it with lame excuses

like God, Land, Race, Culture.

“They” pray to the wrong God.

We need to take “their” land.

“They” don’t look like us.

“They” don’t think the way we do.

It’s all a big dose of B.S.


We are all alike.

A head, two arms, two legs, and private parts.

We all want the same things.

To survive, to have a family, a home, and peace.


But there are those who tell us we must kill one another.

That is the insanity.

They will say you must hate those people.

That is the hatred

That is War -

The insanity that we must hate and kill each other.


Show me the man who has seen God.

Not just seen, but met God, touched him/her.

Maybe, shook hands with him/her?

Speaking of hands, raise yours if you are this person.

Aaaand… did this God tell you to go and kill people?

Of course not!


There are many “so called” War Gods 

but they are generally protectors of warriors.

There are no Gods who would say “Kill for the sake of killing.”

Or “Kill them because you hate them.’

Or “Kill them because their skin is a different color,”

Or “Kill them because they are not exactly like you.”


War is an act of insane hatred.