
The Ballad of Womanhood

I can’t walk alone at night. 

But it’s okay because men like me. 

I can’t wear short skirts without getting whistled at. 

But it’s okay because men like me. 

If I dress how I want, I’m a whore. 

But it’s okay because men like me. 

If I am touched, it is my fault. 

But it’s okay because men like me. 

If I starve, I’ll be too skinny. But if I eat, I’ll be too fat. 

But it’s okay because men like me. 

But do men like me? 

Or do they like my body? 

The body that they harm and then worship. 

The body that they love and then hate. 

I can’t express how I feel, that would make me ‘uptight’. 

I want to wear short skirts.

I want to walk alone at night. 

I think my ego would survive if men stopped slapping my ass. 

Men would not agree though. 

Men would not agree because they don’t like me. 

Men only like the idea of me.