Angelia Lamar

Raise Your Voice

Your Voice is your gift from God, Raise Your Voice!

God says my sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not follow, Raise Your Voice!


You have a bright future.  Peer pressure is real, Raise Your Voice!


Lunch breaks, Children not listening, Bands loudly practicing, Raise Your Voice!


Cry Loud and Spare Not, Raise Your Voice!


You don’t ever want to get lost in a crowd, where people don’t hear you, Raise Your Voice!


It might be a good choice but is it the right choice, Raise Your Voice!


You might lose friends, You might lose some relationships, But don’t lose your soul, Raise Your Voice!


A friendly wave, a Smile, on your face, In the face, if you want to be heard at the PTA meeting, Raise Your Voice!