Tom Dylan

Dear Reader

A lot of writers have

the one

this one reader,

the one they are writing for.


Some write for their wives,

passing them crumpled pages,

others for their closest friends,

reading their work aloud.


For me it has always been

my father, my dad.

He\'s read every single story,

and marked each one 

with a school-teacher precision.


He\'s always on hand

for writing support and advice,

over a glass of whiskey,

and to insist that this one

particular story

didn\'t quite make sense.


Don\'t ask me, I reply,

I don\'t know what it means.

I just wrote the thing.


If he says my story is good

that is high-praise indeed,

a glowing five-star review,

and that it has 

a beginning, a middle

and end.


My one man reading panel,

what would he say if he 

ever read this poem?

He would look at me

over his reading glasses,

a wry smile on his face,

and insist that

one man

should have a hyphen.