

So many times in our life we spend our days,
Thinking and planning about the road ahead.
Whether the road will have any speed-breakers,
And how can we save ourselves from those fire-crackers.
But let me tell you this :
Don’t plan so much, that you forget to live.
We think our life as a straight line,
Where we have to move from A to B in a limited time.
We plan to have a good career, I will be this and that,
We plan to be a doctor, a lawyer and a chartered accountant.
We plan to earn money in lots, work day in and day out.
To satisfy our boss, who’s a grumpy frog, sitting on his couch.
We plan to marry the person we call our soul mate,
And start to meet them on our every date.
We plan to travel to places that are far in miles,
And imagine ourselves there and begin to smile.
We want to reach a particular destination,
No matter what is the current situation.
If I couldn’t achieve this, If I couldn’t get there,
We consider ourselves a fucking failure.
That’s not good. You aren’t meant,
To put on Earth an achievement’s dent,
All you must do to move forward,
Is accepting the place you are currently there.
Instead of setting goals and judging your day,
Instead of measuring your success by what others say,
Just for a moment, pause, and breath,
Understand that uncertainty exists : Even your death.
Don’t deny it, don’t forget it, don’t regret it,
Just appreciate it, remember it, and accept it.
You are uncertain and things may not go,
As per your advance planning , bro.
Let us all for a while, understand and learn,
That even this universe is very uncertain. 
We want this, we want that, 
We want an amazing bat.
We want everything to go as per our plan,
We want people we love in our relation’s clan. 
Forget it. 
Embrace Change. 
Uncertain and unexpected things,
Always have beautiful wings.
Unexpected and uncertain people,
Always lead to relations lovable. 
Uncertain is not negative,
Don’t view it that way please!
Instead grow from it, 
And you will find every road as ease!
It’s okay to cry when things don’t go as per our way,
But don’t forget. God is watching from heaven, dear May!
He always wants better for us, isn’t it? 
He always wants the best for us, isn’t it?
Then please, next time when uncertainty enters your life,
Embrace it along with your parents, kids and your wife!
Thanks to you if you read till here,
Thanks to you if you do not have any fear.

I hope now when uncertainty and unexpected approach you, 
You will not hide…
Instead you will be ready to change for the best and,
Welcome it with a smile!
-    Sahil Dhobale.