

I\'ll take you into my arms

steal your breath away

because in the end 

everything is all temporary 

and everything that is stopping us

isn\'t really that big when you actually think of it

there are only inches in between our lips

and there\'s a pause where we stop talking and just 

look into each other\'s eyes

i think you feel it too

this tension that happens every time we meet

and every time, we pull away before our lips can meet

there are only inches between us

there is nothing stopping us, except everything nonsensical

I would shamelessly grab your face and kiss you

shout it to the rooftops

we don\'t know the future 

all I know is that yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the days to come

even when I\'m with someone else

I am yours

because everything ends

we all die

but in this life, i love you more than the temporaries