
Wise Postulations On Existence For The Damned


Wise Postulations of Existance for The Damned


Solitude the pathway for self authentication

Interludes of what to say in the process of individuation

Attitudes of slow decay born from ill-considerations

Platitudes in early May about spring time commiserations


Various forms of entropy existing in the atmosphere

Precarious storms of ignomy resisting the biosphere

Nefarious swarms of privacy persisting through the tears

Hillarious warns the indignity insisting on perpetuating fears


Beached whales lined up on a distant shore

Reached sales executed upon the warehouse floor

Teach the fails to hit the target and never ask for more

Leaches, sails, newts and artists that ask what it’s all really for ?


Conversations of resistance behind a beer soaked bar

Invocations of insistence as the joke has gone too far

Intonations of coincidence upon the backseat of his car

Renovations of pure self-defense as we defend all that we are


Monumental distortions of reality and truth

Consequential misfortunes and an entirely misspent youth

Environmental disproportions stretched beyond scientific proof

Coincidental extortions of the law by the criminally uncouth


Complimentary postulations about what it means to be a wife

Reudimentary indignations about how not to live your life

Sedimentary geographic formations as the earths tragedy increases in strife

Elementary imitations of a crazed man brandishing a knife


Swearing on a stack of Bibles that you’re not telling a lie

Waiting for a revival as the earth begins to die

Narrating a perfect recital instead of a curse upon both of your eyes

Integrating what has now become vital before you evolve into becoming intrinsically wise

The End 

Copyright Elizabeth Moroz 2024