Kinsley Lee

The Yokoska Port In Night Fog

It\'s the emblem of the imperial navy yesterdays.
The home port of the US 7th fleet in these days.
At winter night, the colored lights
Are glittering in the park and the moon dights
With yellow in the sea fog. The battle ship\'re appearing
It\'s outlined by lights, the submarine is buoying

The year-end days, they\'re greeting to visitors
And gladly to be the models to the photographers.
From the sea the winds are flowing to the park, 
And it\'s freezing to the sleeves and they wince in dark.
Winter the cold wind blows to Asia
And the fog is screening the moon light in this Area.

Due to the Yokoska, we\'ve enjoyed the peace
For long time but not eternal we\'ve forgot to lease
It from God. Without our efforts it\'s brittle, 
Accustomed the provocation we\'ve regarded it to belittle.
Threatening of the channel, launching the missile, 
Whenever they can ignite the arrow\'s whistle.

The buried thoughts again try 
To sprout by greed and stretch to sky
In the fog. But the battle ships are wielding the dignity
In the sea. The Power of the liberal democracy, 
It unites the will of the people in this port
And Yokoska remains the freedom fort.
(Jan.,14th,2024, Kinsley Lee)