
The Glass Vase

I sculpted this vase out of sand

Forged through fire and air

Visually a beautiful sight to behold 

It was a gift for a lover

Pristine condition 

I gave it to her and in a rage she slammed it on the cold, hard ground 

I felt my knees perplexed, confused,  disheartened 

She left me there as I picked up the pieces 

Each piece I picked up sliced open my fingers 

I took the pieces home and began reassembling the glass vase back together 

Every time I got half way through , it would fall apart again

My blood, sweat. and tears were officially  a part of this vase

After countless hours and frustrations I had finally gotten all the pieces back together again 

I stood there looking at it

A wave of disgust, and anger overtook me

I picked up the vase and threw it at the wall where it crumpled to pieces 

I couldn\'t  stand what it then. At that moment represented 

It was a fail attempt 

At something  that was never there.
