Accidental Poet

# 500


Oh, my goodness

What’s this I see?

Five hundred poems

All written by me


I never gave it a thought

Of reaching that milestone

I just followed my Muse’s lead

Otherwise, I’m all alone


I came here almost six years ago

The halls of My Poetic Side

A place to freely write

Amongst many poets diversified


Many poets I look up to

Talented pens everywhere I look

Some quite established

Even with published books


But with friends I don’t compete

As it’s not a competition

 We all understand

Each other’s driven ambition


I remember my early days

Unbelieving of my own works

Finding my confidence

Ignoring so called friends smirks


So, here’s to number five hundred

Then moving on from there

To many, many more

Of which I’ll take that dare


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024