Your Girlfriend

What my childhood felt like

It would be good to give much thought, before
you try to find words for something so lost,
for those long childhood afternoons you knew
that vanished so completely -and why?

We\'re still reminded-: sometimes by a rain,
but we can no longer say what it means;

Your the reason happy family\'s make me cry
You had no love for me
It was all laced with poison and lies
Making me rethink any happy memories
Realizing how fake they were
You filled my childhood with lies and hatred
Only made me feel sadness and despair
Made me believe I was nothing
Just a disappointment
Not someone worth loving
Someone who would never be good enough
That deserved to be beat
I remember you bragging about it
You were laughing and telling your friends
how you put me in my place
Like it was an accomplishment
The fact you chased me when I tried to run
Pinned me down
And just kept swinging
Till I could barely breathe
I still remember the screaming
How much my head pounded after 
I could barely stand as I dragged myself to my room
Everything stayed spinning
I was nauseous for days
But my hair was so thick you couldn\'t see the bruises
And the blood washed away 
I think it was summer so no one could have noticed
I tried my telling family, they just said it was discipline
I should quit winning, it\'s not like I was actually beat....
One one who did believe me told me to shut up
At least I was lucky to still have a mother....
Or I thought....