
Straying from love.

He says he loves me

He says he cares

So why is it so hard

For him to reassure my fears


Unanswered texts

Constant indecision

A love gone awry

This was never my vision


Please come downstairs

Please hug and kiss me

Please affirm your love

Please let me know you’d miss me


Old abuse and trauma

Rears its ugly head

I can’t help but feel

Like I’m better off dead


All I wanted

Was for someone to love me

Show me you care

Don’t put anyone above me


Years of being pushed

Pushed to the side

I didn’t mean to bring

You along for the ride


I can’t stand the silence

I can’t stand waiting

I’m slowly losing patience

Slowly incubating


Each day passes

And I lose a piece of myself

It’ll never change

The hands I was dealt


So I sink into darkness

Blackness, madness

Hurt beyond repair

And still giving passes


I just want to run

Far, far away

But I have to save it

For another day