Alan R

Halfway Synthesis

We think there\'s a newness to us

In these words, in this strife, in ourselves, in this life



1971, A poet wrote what I feel today

We are just circles that loop all the way



Someone published, that moment of a blink

The odds, to think, someone cared for that ink



In people, in places, in feelings, we go

Doing the same thing, but a slightly different show



We change dimensions with subtle novelties

Relevant to us today, may be not for the 70s



1971, what happened to that pain?

Forgotten or solved? Will never hear it again...



The records can\'t keep, all the stories and lores

Unless they aren\'t so subtle anymore



Then they call it change, theories profound

The novelty is bound, to the relevance they\'ve found!



More people should write more, everyday

Your light is here, and relevant in every way



And your stories might finish before you go

Don\'t forget to show, the answers in, 2.0

