
The Ego\'s Game

In the depths of the human heart, a battle rages on

The ego\'s grip, its fear and pride, like shadows in the dawn

It seeks to oppress and demoralize, to assert its dominance

Using the law, and moral codes, as tools for its defense


It whispers words of judgment, of condemnation and shame

It seeks to undermine and accuse, to tarnish another\'s name

But we must not be swayed, by the ego\'s subtle game

For in its fearful grip, we\'ll only find suffering and pain


We must rise above the ego\'s need, to control and dominate

We must embrace love and compassion, before it\'s too late

For the path of the ego, leads only to division and strife

But the path of love and kindness, brings harmony and life


So let us be aware, and vigilant in our ways

Lest the ego\'s grip entangle us, in its deceptive haze

Let us choose love over fear, and unity over division

For in the light of love\'s embrace, we\'ll find our true vision


So let us stand against the ego, with courage and with grace

Let us choose to uplift and empower, in every time and place

For in the end, it\'s love that wins, over fear and selfishness

And in its radiant light, we\'ll find true freedom and wholeness. (\"The Ego\'s Game\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.