sonal monhyung

Being poetic

Being poetic is somewhat different,

To the people when you are in sadness.

A reason lies with you to tell why are you crying?

To the unknown friends that you aren\'t lying!


Writting expressions in different manner

To express the feelings in thunder ;

How lightning come to scare you

Together with rain and stormy day.


Being poetic is somewhat different

To the people when you are in happiness

A reason lies with you to tell why are you smiling?

To the unknown unknown friends that you aren\'t distracted.


One thing that I can do

When I\'m alone in new year ,

Or on my birthday celebrating with friends,

A reason lies with me of being poetic.


But one thing strange to some people,

They only know one way to expressing

All their feelings,all their hobbies

Writting in one piece of poetry.


Being poetic is good 

But one should also ensure to look 

They are sharing this to their friends and family too ,

Otherwise feelings within them begun to making them emotionally fool!