Kinsley Lee

Sea Battle Of Arginusa

During the Peloponnesian War, it\'s long and long, 
Athens is weak and weak, not as strong.
And she\'s in disaster after Sicilly expedition
Generals disappeared on the miserable mission
Civils cannot maintain their power, 
But they must confront the Spartan power.

In trouble, they rebuilt the fleet again
But no single system of command, thane
Of eight commanders be the consultive admiral.
The divided the fleet and led as an admiral.
They embarked with unskilled and insufficient sailors
Because they can\'t pay enough to the sailors.

Callicratidas was the admiral of the Spartan fleet
By the term limits, Lysander yielded him the fleet.
8 admiral defeated the spartan fleet
But many sailors\'re wreckage of the fleet.
By the rainstorm, they cannot rescue the survivors, 
They came back to the port with triumph no survivors.

They won the sea battle, but were impeached by Athens, 
The crime of not returning with the survivors to Athens.
So the six of them were executed by the civils, 
Oh, stupid democracy and civils! 
Aristocrates, Aristogenes, Diomedon, Erasinides, 
Lysias, Protomachus, Thrasyllus, Pericles.
(Jan.,6th,2024, Kinsley Lee)