
The world before

This world of here and there 

is only the end of  a tomorrow,

or  Maybe the beginning

of the last hour ...

The world before,was  made 

of walls of clouds ,friend to children

in wisecracking costumes ,

swallowing the host of individual salvation

handed to them  by Mister president ...

This world of the wind  calendar ,

was  a carefree  garden,protecting us 

from the bearded villains ...

\" Happy birthnight captain America  ! \'\'

Sang Minnie mouse, 

\'\'Champagne for all ! Except the others ! \'\'

World of bloody clowns used to make us laugh !

And those glossy princesses who take us for a ride...

I secretly want the neighbor\'s  daughter ...

In this  perfect world ,father went to work

every morning ,  sunday roastbeef , 

mother spent the vacuum on the dust

of  her forbidden dreams ,

the cat slept  on the sofa ,

 and god  outside ...

I loved the neighbor\'s  daughter,  

and so many others with eyes of oblivion,

this world  was built on an architecture

of  delusion and  devaluation  !

But I\'ve lost the words to the song ...

Could we have been lied to ?

Allowing us to deflower the garden ?