
Wandering Thoughts in Ordinary Places

Oh, the joys of uncontrollable yearnings,

Bubbling up in the most inconvenient settings,

With humor and a dash of blush, let\'s explore these learnings,

From library corners to quiet office settings.


In the grocery store, aisle seven,

Oh my, the cucumber\'s shape is a sight from heaven,

By the avocados, my mind starts to roam,

I\'m not sure I can wait until I get home.


At the library, where all should be calm,

In the silent reading corner, there\'s no soothing balm,

Each curvaceous letter, each luscious phrase,

Oh, the ways that print can set hearts ablaze.


In yoga class, in downward dog pose,

A comely lass enters, from head to toe in rose,

As she bends and she stretches, oh what a sight,

Keeping my mantra focused is a constant fight.


At the funeral home, I know it\'s uncouth,

But the preacher\'s daughter, she is quite the sleuth,

Her eyes roam over, making my cheeks bloom,

Even amid the somber room.


In a traffic jam, stuck on the freeway,

An attractive woman in a cabriolet,

Lipstick application, such a tantalizing view,

It\'s not just the sun that\'s making me feel askew.


In church on Sunday, hallelujah and amen,

Even the holy spirit can\'t stop it then,

The choir\'s alto, her voice so divine,

In this sacred place, such unholy thoughts are mine.


It\'s a challenge, a struggle, this relentless flame,

Inappropriate settings, you are to blame,

Yet each wandering thought, each heated glance,

Reminds me of life\'s unexpected, humorous dance.


©Susie Stiles-Wolf