Accidental Poet

A Song for Everyone


I Believe in Heaven

And in Heaven there’s a song

A song of love and hope

A song for everyone


A song all voices can sing

No matter who you are

Your voice needs to be heard

Heard higher than the stars



For love is all we need

Love to fix everything

All our problems will workout

If we all can learn to sing

Sing in unison

Of love in your heart

Love for everyone


Even a mute can sing from the heart

The elderly have a voice too

Every soul on Earth

And new born babies anew


If we could put an end

To all our offenses

I know it isn’t easy

To take down our defenses


Let us all sing of love

Sweet love the whole world as one

Sing with pride and passion

Let it unite everyone



For love is all we need

Love to fix everything

All our problems will workout

If we all can learn to sing

Sing in unison

Of love in your heart

Love for everyone


For I believe in Heaven

There’s someone or something

That loves all of us infinitely

And would like us all to sing


Think about it

How beautiful it would sound

To sing along with Heaven

The whole Earth to surround


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024