Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The public enemies

The Nazis were irrelevant in the Holocaust since
Nazis are known enemies of the Jewish community.
so it is irrelevant to focus on them.
since Nazis are public enemies of Jews.
What relevance does the general public in Germany see?
that were watching or sleeping,
while Nazis were holocaust Jews in gas chambers
is relevant; it is just like groups, communities, states, and individuals,
liberals, labor, lefties, feminists, queers, blacks, right groups, universities
that are standing tall with free Palestine voices to kill Jews
in our Western spaces is relevant.
Go vegan! Maha Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
As we know, Muslims are public enemies of life, love, liberty, and light. We knew who was our enemy, but we did not know who bit us silently! The silent enemies of life, love, liberty, and light are our Western states, liberals, labor, lefties, queers, blacks, rights groups, globalists, UNHCR, UNO, and Amnesty who brought 200 million veils, beards, thobes, blacks into our lives forcefully at the cost of our life and death. © 40 mins ago, Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla