Paradise lost

There\'s a lot of debate about Adam and eve:


It makes no sense, 


How can we believe. 


That from these two was birthed mankind..


And where was this Eden 


No one can find.


Could the scriptures be correct?


Could It be true?


He speaks in plural...

Now who is that too?


Let them have dominion over all the earth...


In our own image:

Were the tribes then birthed?


God formed Adam from the dust of the ground...


And put him in His garden to tend and to keep, 

With only one commandment:

From the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat.


Well, we know about eve and the serpents lying,


Led to expulsion from paradise through his beguiling. 


Now, I don\'t believe they were the only humans at birth, 


But were put in communion with God, to tend to His earth.


That right was stolen 


Count the cost..


The whole of creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God...


To take back control of paradise lost.