Relations are a very beautiful part of life,
It may be with your parents, husband or your wife..
It could also be with your teacher, who helps you learn,
Or your friends, who provide you with many good lessons, to earn!
You help people, when help, they need...
And then, they also help you in return, indeed..
Isn\'t this amazing, how selflessly you both work..
And avoid against each other as many as possible jerks?..
But then there are some fights..
Which you have to handle with light..
Or else the trust which you have gained..
Will submerge in water and go in vain!
It doesn\'t take a second to break..
You may be in deep sleep or simply awake..
Relations will just on the floor, crack...
It may be between us, or between Jill and Jack!
That is why I say, \" Handle Relations with Care! \"
Hey, are you paying attention to this sentence here?
Just don\'t break it due to one misunderstanding..
Instead apply the formula of Mutual Understanding!
- Sahil Dhobale.