

Claire,you were nothing more than the name

of a brief  and so deep  encounter  in the muddled

agenda of my  amorous memory .

The web that knows everything  about  destinies,

informed me of your departure .

It\'s been many moons since you took 

the last train out ...

Life\'s storms had separated  us 

into other stories ,

new souls and shared  dawns ...

Claire ,it was so easy to seduce you 

but to keep you  never  and  ever ...

You ran across the rooftops of  love

like a little kitten who always came home ,

I liked to see you wander , I  knew 

you had the key ...

Claire ,you inspired me poems 

that are now  in the cloud  ,

sometime anger ,often desire ...

Claire,is there words we didn\'t  say,

so secretly jealous of our freedom\'s game ?

One day,in the land of shadows ,

I\'ll smile at the music  of the key  ,

  You\'re back to me ! 

Lets laugh about this madness  !

   Life ...