Veronica Achlys writes

Who am I?

Am I the corpse that awaits the return of a spirit

Or the phantom that disappeared?

Am I the murderer who saw the blood on my hands; and on my face did smear it

Or the imitation that to the eye dead appeared?

Am I the bird who chirped in the wild forest

Or the observer that despises it?

Am I the pianist who performed till no more could her sore wrists

Or that listener that is no longer consoled by it?

Am I the dreamer who\'d spend hours gazing at stars

Or the spectator so forlorn that she no longer dares to dream?

Am I the person who goes afar

Or the fool that stays where she is like the rocks in a stream?

Am I the artist who sees and paints the beauty

Or the pessimist who sees the tainted glory?

Am I the amity who thinks to be kind is my duty

Or the cynic who thinks the morals false of the childhood story?

Is my heart of lead

Or no longer beating?

Am I one of the dead

Or a part of the living?