
Fruit Bats

In the heart of Zambia, a sight to behold

A migration of bats, a story untold

Millions of flying foxes, straw-colored and strong

Their numbers so vast, their journey so long


They descend on Kasanka, a national park

To feast on the fruit, to leave their mark

They spread seeds throughout the southern savannah

Their vital role, a sight we cannot abandon


The largest migration of any mammal on earth

Their journey is crucial, their value of worth

But deforestation and poaching pose a threat

Their existence endangered, we must not forget


Conservation groups work tirelessly to protect

These bats of importance, we cannot neglect

Their mysterious migration, a wonder to behold

A symbol of strength in numbers, a tale yet untold


So let us stand together, to protect and defend

The straw-colored fruit bat, on which we depend

For their journey is vital, their presence profound

Let us safeguard their future, let their story resound. (\"Fruit Bats\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.