
Relations Lesson!

Often I used to respond quickly,

Without any thinking, without any blinking,

Just said whatever came in my mouth,

Though it didn\'t have any liking, any linking...


At first I was really satisfied,

Yes, an argument I had won...

I was literally enjoying my life,

Not realising that the other person got burnt..


Maybe she must have also suffered,

I never looked at it , that way..

I always thought about myself,

And was happy for that day!


But then life taught me a lesson,

It first broke all my relations...

And told me to find a happy home...

I couldn\'t find one, I was all alone!


No \' My people \' nearby, everyone seemed a stranger,

This situation was scary and sort of a danger...

I was literally, not only crying...

But also from inside, very much dying!


But now I know the importance of words and people,

Not single, Not double, but rather triple...

I will speak with calm and kindness, not getting violent,

If I cannot speak good, I will remain silent!


I will surely maintain every relation,

No matter, what is the situation!


- Sahil Dhobale.