Santajah Douglass

The Risk Of Being Chosen To Love Again

How do you learn to love again,

When scars of pain are etched within?

To trust another with your heart,

And have faith he won\'t tear it apart.


I know I\'m attractive and strong,

But past experiences have done me wrong.

I want a love that\'s pure and true,

Not filled with lies or deceitful cues.


No manipulations, no cheating schemes,

No screams or wishes for deathly dreams.

I\'ve been through the cruelty before,

But I\'m not innocent, I must implore.


I\'ve felt anger, I\'ve felt pain,

But I\'ve never caused someone such disdain.

I speak my truth, I\'m entitled to feel,

Just as you are, this love we\'ll heal.


I want a love where we both stand tall,

Where equality reigns, we\'ll never fall.

I want to trust and hold your hand,

To know you\'ll always understand.


Through every ball and every song,

Together we\'ll dance, nothing goes wrong.

I\'m not in a hurry, it\'s not a race,

But if love finds me, I\'ll embrace.


If a man chooses me, wants to be by my side,

I hope he\'s the one, with whom I\'ll confide.

That the flames of our love never fade,

And God himself would applaud the serenade.


He\'d want me to be happy, to be a wife,

To find someone deserving of my life.

And if that man is you, I hope you are sincere, I won\'t let go, I will be super clear

May we fulfill God\'s wishes and never live in fear.