
Just You and Me

My heart pounds
as the tail of my gown turns brown
never could I have ever walked beside another,
with fingers interlocked with yours.

\"Forever\" was a lie  to me
but you made it a promise,
With each anxious breathe
a kaleidoscope of memories plays
to the autumn leaves crunching,
How could i ever forget-
that a scene out of a movie,
when the door opened wide
and my heart welcomed you in a stride.

Now, the roles reversed
you stand under the canopy
shining your eyes at me
trust, admiration, care 
enveloped in that knowing smile.
Like the moon pulling the tides,
some steps towards you and
I saw my happiest self,
in your eyes.

Now, I
rest my head on your shoulder 
listening to my favourite beat
returning to my home-
to us, at solace,
Just you and me.