
Whispers of doubt

Whispers of doubt

Are overpowering my dreams

They show up in moments of reflection

And whisper all the reasons of how I will fail


Whispers of doubt

Are not letting me fully embrace this time

Though I know they are not my true feelings

It\'s hard to seperate from their grip


Whispers of doubt

Can be incredibly loud

While I think they are there to caution

It seems they are there to transform


Whispers of doubt

Not only affect me, but also impact you

In all the things I said out of doubt

I hope I didn\'t made you afraid of failing too


You always saw the sincerity of my emotions

And deep down, I knew it too

But I was so afraid to let go of those whispers

Because they provided some semblance of comfort


I now choose to love

And I want to express my gratitude for you

My doubt has been my greatest adversary

But you were always there to support


So I want to bid farewell to those whispers of doubt

And commit to this journey

I don\'t need to justify why

I simply need to start believing


Goodbye, whispers of doubt

You are just a voice, not my true essence

A new chapter has begun

Where doubt will never overshadow my love


I had a dream

And it was planted in my heart for a reason

I won\'t dig up in doubt where faith was sown

I believe in my heart, not in the doubts.